Sunday, April 24, 2011
Hello Hello Hello!
Hi there! It has been a while since I have blogged. I have had so much going on. I have been in school and looking for a job. Anyway I havnt had much time to blog or work on any projects. I just want to let everyone know that I am hoping to get back to the blogging and hoping for some time for scrapbooking. I have found some wonderful inspiration lately! So that said I will see you all soon.
Posted by leateach at Sunday, April 24, 2011 2 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Challenge Blogs!!!
I love to blog hop and look at the different challenge blogs. Sometimes it can be overwhelming though. There are so many great challenges out there. I have just completed a challenge for the Blog These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things. Its a movie quote challenge.Is anyone surprised that I did New Moon. I am counting down the days until the movie comes out! :) Here is my entry for this challenge! :) Thanks ladies for the great Challenge! :)
Don't forget the Color Combo Challenge is finishing up at Scrappy times. We have Mica's Bonus challenge going now. Her colors are Brown and Green. You can upload your pages here. Lets see what you can do! :)
I will leave you with a page I have recently done for the Color Combo challenges.
Posted by leateach at Saturday, August 29, 2009 11 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Scrappy Times Color Combo and Artist Of The Month!
Hey everyone! Hope all is well! I am doing pretty good. Back working in Homewood at an afterschool program..I love it! The people are great and I love being back with the kids. :)
I just wanted to let you know what is going on over at Scrappy times.
We still have our Color Combo Challenge going on! Jennessa Combo is Blue and Yellow and you have to add some bling to your card or LO! :) This challenge will run through Aug 14th so lets see what you've got! :)
We also have our Artist of the Month going on also! We have TIM HOLTZ! As our Artist of the Month! :) I love Tim Holtz. He so creative. So pull out those inks, dies and mask and lets see what you come up with! :)
I hope you will all check out the website and play along with us! :) We would love to see you there! :)
Posted by leateach at Tuesday, August 11, 2009 7 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Color Combo Challenge at Scrappy Times!
There is a new Color Combo Challenge over at Scrappy Times. Here is more information
Scrappy Times Color Combo challenge/contest!!
One Winner receives a 15.00 online Scrapbook gift certificate!!
A color combo challenge/contest! For Layouts and Cards!
Open to US and International!
Starts August 1st and ends August 31st.
Each challenge will be for 7 days and their will be a new challenge for each week!
The DT will have a color combo challenge with the instructions of what to use on your Layouts or cards!Each challenge must be emailed by midnight Central Standard Time to qualify for one point at the end of each challenge!After each challenge ends per week the DT will pick one of their favorites and the individual with the most votes will receive another point!During the last week of the challenge their will be a bonus challenge to earn an extra point! ( If you started late this will be a great opportunity for you too catch up!!)The winner will be the individual with the most points at the end of the contest on August 31st!If we have a tie then we will draw names for the gift certificate and the other person will receive an awesome RAK!!
The Winner will be announced on September 1st!
I have the first Challege in the contest..find it HERE!!! :) :)
Hope you will join us for some fun! :)
Posted by leateach at Saturday, August 01, 2009 3 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sorry for the Delay! :)
Hello all! Well this poor little blog has been MIA for a while. :) I hope this post finds you all doing well. Just wanted to give you a little update! I am still job hunting. I do have a part time job lined up for the fall. I am going to be working at the afterschool program in Homewood again. I still pray that God will send me the teaching position He would have me in but I guess that will be in His time. I just have to continue to have patience. There are so many things going on in my life right now that I am just leaning on Him for. :)
Posted by leateach at Wednesday, July 29, 2009 2 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Crazy Times and Fun Scrappy Stuff!! :)
Hey everyone! I hope this blog post finds you all doing well. I am doing ok. Its been a rough couple of weeks. I have been job hunting. I am hoping/trying to find something full time for the fall. Its just really difficult right now. I have also been dealing with and accident I was as in about a week ago. I was rear ended by someone, then pushed into the back of another car. So I have had to deal with that. My car will go into the shop on Monday and I will have a rental car for a few weeks.
We have some fun stuff going on at Scrappy Times right not. We are finishing up our Artist of the Month Challenges and getting ready for July. We have some fun things planned for July. Not to give to much away but, there is a sketch, a tutorial and a new Artist of the Month! :) Sound like fun..well stay tuned for more! :) Oh and there may be some other surprises! You never know! :) I am working on some DT things right now. I will share those goodies with you as soon as I can! :)
I also wanted to share some info about a contest that is going on over at a friends new challenge blog. My friend Julie has started a new challenge blog called These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things. She is having a contest and is giving a way a $50.00 gift card to . So what do you have to do to enter???Glad you asked! Go to the Favorite Things blog and leave a comment between now and 7-15-09 and you will be entered. Also if you are following the blog..let her know that!! Go follow the blog and you get your name in TWICE! How cool is that?! I am so excited to see what Julie and her design team have in's going to be great!
I hope you all have wonderful blessed night! :)
Posted by leateach at Thursday, July 09, 2009 4 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Artist of the Month Challenge-Scrappy Times
My Artist of the Month challenge is up over at Scrappy Times! I hope you will go check it out. The challenge is to make an altered board book! :) I had so much fun making this book. I posted some pictures over at Scrappy Times but I thought I would post a couple here as well.I love these pictures of David and Chance on the beach!
They had such a good time. Chance stayed right with David the whole time!
We enjoyed taking some family photos on the beach. However it began to get dark. but the pictures still came out priceless! :)
The beauty of the beach is breathtaking
I love the sunset and peacefulness of it!
I hope you enjoy these pictures from my board book album. I enjoyed making the album. I hope to see what you all come up with for this fun challenge. Now I have to go develop my pictures from this summers beach trip! Maybe they will get done by this time next year! :) Just kidding! I want to work on them soon! :) Have a wonderul and blessed night/week! I will talk to you all soon! :)
Posted by leateach at Sunday, June 21, 2009 4 comments