Hello all! I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great one. My cousin Jackie opened up her home this year for our family Thanksgiving. Its was so nice to be around family. This time of year is a little difficult for our family. It was this time last year that we lost both my grandfather and my grandmother. Having a family get gathering always make me remember all the little things about them. What they would make...where they would be sitting...I found myself looking around and feeling like something was missing. I know they were there in spirit though.
One of the things we did on Thanksgiving day was go to the park. Some of my cousins, my uncle and I pack into the car and went to Buck Creek park. It was so much fun. There were monkey bars to clime on, Swings to swing in and slides to go down. Oh and chasing some squirrels is always fun! :)
We had lots to eat....and if you know my family....we always have enough to feed an army. Turkey, Sweet potatoes, green beans, butter beans, dressing, potatoe casseroale, pine apple casserole...and more and more and more...:) and the desserts..well they were WONDERFUL! too.
The weekend after Thanksgiving we went to Montgomery to my cousin Chris and Amanda's house to watch the Iron Bowl. Auburn vs. Alabama. We had a fish fry and lots more food to eat. Oh and we watched Alabama beat Auburn 36-0 !! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! :)
Ok so on Thanksgiving my favorite camera..my Nikon D40 was working just fine....snapping up some pictures! But as I was uploading some of my pictures it just quit....will not come on...battery will not charge...just nada....I am taking it to Best Buy and hoping a new battery is alll I need but I am just not sure. I hope my camera is not fried...I will cry if they tell me that. I do have a warrenty so thats a good thing.
I know this is a long post I hope I hav't sent anyone running away yet :) Have a wonderful day and Be Safe! :)
1 Comment:
I'm glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving and I hope your camera is okay. :)
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