Friday, December 19, 2008

Just a little something.

Ok so I am waiting on pins and needles to find out if I got the job in Millbrook. I didn't hear anything today. I am going to follow up on it tomrrow.

In some scrappy news. I sent a submission to Scrappy Times( for there design team. This is the first time I have ever sent my work in to be judged for a design team. I am excited. I have been working on some Christmas cards. I will have to post some pictures tomrrow. If you having checked out Scrappy Times you should. There is some great talent over there. I have some other scapbooking projects I am working on.

I cannot believe that next week is Christmas. It has come so fast. I still have some shopping to do. It may the last min. but I will get it all done. :)

Well I know this is short and sweet but I wanted to leave you all with a little something :) More later!! :)

1 Comment:

Calia Yang said...

Hey Leanne!! Hope you hear back from that job soon!! ^_^ I was just stoppin' by to say hello and to wish you a very merry christmas!!! enjoy your holiday!