Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! My family and I were in Wetumpka for Christmas day. We had a wonderful time together! We ate lots and lots and lots of food. We played dirty santa. I got three gift cards one for Zaxbys, Chic Fil A, and McD's. I just love being with family on such special days!! Did you get lots of gifts from Santa!? I think my favorite gift is my new Zutter bind it all! I can now bind my own scrapbooks and journals. Its very cool. I also got some movies. I have the new Prince Caspian movie. I love Narnia! Oh and my brother got me a gift card to my local scrapbook store! Cant wait to spend that! :)

Today is my cousin Laci's Birthday! Happy 2nd Birthday baby girl!! :) Love ya!

Scrapp News!
Well I have some project still in the works that I am working on. I had told you all about the Scrappy Times design team that I had sent some work in for. Well I didnt make the team this time. But I will say that they have wonderful and talented ladies that are the team and I look forward to what they have in store for this up coming site! Its so fun! Thank you Jacqueline for the opportunity try for the team..I know you had a very difficult decision to make. I dont know that I could have made it!! :)

Job news
I didnt hear anything back from the interview in Millbrook. I am assuming that I did not get the job and thats ok. I know that God has a plan for me. I am just following His lead. I know He will put me where he needs me to be. :)

I hope you all have a blessed weekend!

1 Comment:

Calia Yang said...

You should call the place. Don't lose hope. Be pro-active. ^_^ My christmas went and good eating. eheheheh ^_^ take care Leanne!