Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life-Job and other things :)

Sorry its been a while. I am not the best at keeping up with this blog. :) I have had a lot going on. I am still job hunting. I have to go next week to take the substitute class. Its basically to learn the computer program used for subs. I am going to get the paperwork to sub for the Chilton County System. I am still looking for a full time position. It is getting frustraiting and scary. I just wish I knew how this was all going to turn out. I am trying to keep my faith but its hard.

My mom and I are going to try and start planning a game night for our family. We are trying to come up with a neat invitaition to make. I am excited about this. I think it will be fun. We are looking at games like Monopoly, clue, scrabble, uno and someothers.

Did you all watch the AL-GA game!! WOW what a game. I was on the edge of the couch. :)

Some of my favorite TV shows started again this week. Grey's, Ugly Betty and Extream Makeover Home. I am waiting on Private Practice to start Wed.

Ok. Scrap news- I have been working on several ATC(Artist Trading Card) sets. I did one for a Audrey Hepburn Swap. I have also gotten in to making cards. I made these Halloween ATC's for a swap at Scrap Etc. I think they turned out so fun! :)
I love Halloween. I am planning on making some Halloween cards and hopefully some other decorations. :)
Well I hope you are all doing well and enjoying this nice fall weather. I will try to do better about updating the blog. :) Take care.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! The game nights sounds sooo much fun! We try to have one too once a week, but it's been crazy right now..so ours have been on hold. But they are fun. Oh and you can get stickers for the games b/c the have them now...and if you can't find them in a store, you can find them for sure online! :D

Miss ya...when ya gonna send some pics???? Lemme know! :)
